Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thin #9 HMMMM!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone,
Wow, week 4 was tough. The RSS feeds section is very advanced for me. It is getting harder.
Anyway, I made it with the support of my husband and son.
In answer to the questions in activity #9, the easiest was Technorati because of tutorials and tool bar for titles/topics, the most confusing was for me it had no organization for my level, and for the last question it would have to be atomic learning because of the tutorials. Wow after this section, I hope that I am able to get through the rest of the exercises.


  1. Don't see a posting about Thing #8?
    maybe you could try out a Reader with some of the bloggers who are mentioned in the various Things or there is a short list of blooger in the Chalk Box list on the side bar (scroll way down!) Or what about putting a few players in your reader and following them.

    And don't worry, you are doing just fine. Sounds like you have good help at home..and you can always call on the L2P your questions and someone will answer! :-)

    remember this a learning opportunity with a little play thrown in to make it fun!

  2. I must have overlooked Thing 8. I will check into it.
    Thanks for the feedback

  3. WWB I think that I combined Thing 8 into Thing 9. Thing 8 was to set up RSS reader acct. which I did. Thing 9 I responded to the 2 questions regarding easiest and most difficult. I thought I covered it. Please let me know if that is incorrect.
