Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thing 23

Hello everyone,
I just got back from vacation to Tennessee. It was wonderful. We visited Graceland and then stayed in cabin in the Smokey Mountains. The views were beautiful. I can't believe summer is almost over. I can't complain though I feel that I have made the most of the summer. I worked summer school, completed Library 23, spent time with friends and family and got to get away.
What more can you ask for. As for my Library 23, I feel that although I completed the discovery activities it is just the beginning for me to continue to expose myself to all that is available through technology. I am still definetly just emerging but I will definetly take every opportunity to continue to develop this area. I am thankful that this was offered to us. I enjoyed that you could work at your own pace and from home but the self teaching got to be alittle frustrating at times. I oftened would have liked someone there sitting next to me to answer questions. I do want to thank everyone that gave me feedback and support when I needed it. I plan on signing up for this again next summer. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your summer!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thing #21

This was the most fun of all the assignments so far. I used family pictures from a recent vacation. I found it difficult to load and I still think it is not correct. It takes forever to upload!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing 22

I do not currently participate in facebook or myspace. My interaction with collegues and friends is through email, phone, mail and personal. I explored Education Ning and could see the benefits of classroom teachers using this as a vehicle to encourage and expand their interaction with students and teachers from different areas to collaborate on projects, enduring questions etc..I believe that any tool that we can use to open doors of communication with our students and our students interacting with students of different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives is beneficial. On a side note, I don't know if it's me or all these technologies are overlapping same thing just with a different name.

Thing 20

This was cool. I did searches on both in the area of Math. Althought I am not a classroom teacher. I have a child starting 7th grade prealgebra math and we have been concentrating on this area because in order to help him I need to review and my daughter's favorite subject is Math. It took me to long to download video on my computer so my son said mom download on your phone and it was quicker and sure enough. I wish he told me that several videos ago. Anyway, they watched the videos by Mister Math on multiplication tricks. My daughter was excited to learn the tic tac toe for 7's. I think these videos are a nice resource for teachers either to get ideas or to show to their class. My kids enjoyed watching some videos. Unable to upload copy and paste like directions say. Screen just freezes.
Name of video is Magic Math Video the Magic Blackboard on Youtube. This is the part of technology that frustrates me.

Thing 19

I didn't find this activity all that exciting. It may have just been to much. I do like the fact that if you are exploring a certain category. You can go to this list and see the top winning list to explore directly. I spent my time in the food, my heritage and mango languages. When I complete the requirements of Library 2 play. I would like to continue my investigation of my heritage.

Thing 18

I previewed google docs. I saw no disadvantages to using these applications and tools at least to my level of understanding. The advantages over using microsoft office are the live chats with people that you are working with. If you are in a situation where you can't come together to work, as long as you have access to computer you can access your project and edit together. I also like that you can present and publish to the web. All these activities are really getting me interested in furthering my knowledge of technology. It is amazing all that can be done from home. It is sad that up until this course all I used the computer for is email when the capabilities are endless. I am so glad that this course was offered and has given me the opportunity to get a glimpse of everything that is out there. Google doc's is something that I will definetly use!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing 17 Rollyo

Getting through this activity took me quite awhile. I got through creating Rollyo, but for some reason other search rolls were listed that I didn't create. I don't know how that happened.
Also, I am not quite sure how to do link so I am including link. I hope this is correct.